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It all started with a determined girl, a dream, and a dog. Oh, and a catastrophic hail storm.

When Bek decided it was a mini Aussie she wanted after studying all kinds of dog breeds for several years, she had a lot of convincing to do to get one.  Her family already had two dogs, and besides, her parents had said, "We really don't have the money, time, or space for another dog."  To be honest, her Mom and Dad didn't know what that dog breed even looked like!

Several months later, a random but fierce hailstorm nearly totaled the family car so they were forced to take it to an auto body shop in town.  As fate would have it, the owner of the shop had a sweet and adorable mini Aussie he brought to work. Of course, everyone in Bek's family fell in love. 

So her parents told her if she saved up half the money, they would match it to buy an Aussie. They really didn't think it would happen anytime soon but not only did Bek get to work earning money by pulling weeds, raking leaves, and dog-sitting, but the office manager of the auto body shop said she knew of a litter that would be born soon in Colorado!  And the perfect dog for a very determined Aussie-loving girl was born in that litter.

Everywhere we took our smart, friendly, and agile little Piper, people told us if we ever let her have pups, they wanted one.  We decided to breed her so more people could enjoy having an Aussie (or two) in their lives!!

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